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Ask any question for Mohanji and get an instant answer! We compiled over 2,200 quotes from Mohanji. When you ask a question, we use AI to search through Mohanji's quotes to find the best possible answer for your question. All answers are in Mohanji's own words from their original form. Please note that this tool can't guarantee 100% accuracy for your questions and it can make mistakes. Use at your own discretion.

Who is Mohanji?


Mohanji is globally recognized as a friend of the world, dedicated to transforming humanity from selfishness to selflessness. With a single-focused mission to awaken kindness and compassion, he guides individuals toward higher human values and non-violence, embodying the transition from mere humankind to kind humans.

Emphasizing that humanity is the greatest religion and non-violence the highest practice, Mohanji's teachings are centered around being true to oneself. His mantra, "Be You", encourages everyone to embrace and express their unique essence.

Through various global platforms, Mohanji promotes acts of compassion and kindness, fostering a culture of selfless service. Married to Devi Mohan, together they have a daughter, Mila Mohan, sharing a life rich in spiritual and community engagement.

Philosophy and Teachings

At the heart of Mohanji's philosophy is the concept of liberation — guiding to look without constraining what to see. His approach encourages mastery over one's mind, embracing life with spontaneity and without resistance, embodying a life of total acceptance.

Mohanji views spirituality as an integral lifestyle, seamlessly integrating it into daily life, be it as a family man, professional, or guide. He believes in celebrating life, approaching every moment with the curiosity and joy of a child.

Global Impact and Initiatives

Leading by example, Mohanji has founded numerous organizations like the Mohanji Foundation, Ammucare, and ACT Foundation that spearhead various charitable and spiritual activities worldwide. His efforts are supported in over 80 countries, driven by the mission to uplift humanity to its fullest potential.

Recognized for his tireless service, Mohanji's life is a testament to living for others, with numerous awards acknowledging his contributions to peace and well-being. His initiatives also include promoting veganism and cruelty-free living, advocating for conscious choices that support all forms of life.